Helpful Websites

Every once in a while I come across an amazing website, websites that I will continuously use and therefore want to share with others. Here is a list of websites I use often and hopefully you will too!

Find a plethora of information about any ingredient you might use in your kitchen. I love to use this website when I am trying to find a substitute for an ingredient. For example, I wanted to know what I could use as a substitute for gelatin. I typed in "gelatin substitute" in the search box and was given a list of helpful answers.

Also featured on the What's In Season page of this blog, this website will give you a list of all produce that is in season in your area. A must if you are brainstorming a seasonal menu or want a head-start on what to look for at your farmers market!
Click here to see what's in season

I always find myself trying to convert ounces into tablespoons or cups into pints and since I am not a mathematician, I am always wary of the outcome of my dish. Save yourself time, brainpower, and your dish by using this website to convert your ingredients.
Conversion Calculator

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